About Me

Well my life has changed alot in the last couple of weeks and now my time is spent hanging out with my new best friend!!! She is a chocolate lab and is 9 weeks old...her name is snickers(lizzy came up with that one)...other than that I am staying strong and enjoying being sober!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Good Morning!!!

Last night I went to an AA meeting and I relized something...I am not the only one who is powerless over alcohol!!! I knew I was an alcoholic going into the meeting but I thought that I would be above all the rest of the people there because it would be a room full of people who needed alcohol...you know the people you think of when you here the word alcoholic...the ones who shake if they dont have a drink or that go to the bar everday at noon and never leave but it was nothing like that...I found that a majority were like me with the fact that they would just frink for fun but once they had that first beer they were powerless...it helped me alot in understanding that I was using that as my higher power because I was powerless over it...your whole life you are taught to be independent from your parents and teachers...they are getting you ready for the real world and for me that means doing things on your own...so I would tell myself that I could fix this problem on my own...people told me I couldnt do it by myself but those were the same people that were trying to make me independent so in my mind they were contrdicting themselves and I wanted to prove them wrong...but they were right and it took me loosing more than I ever wanted to to realize it!!! Thank you to all who have not given up on me and for those who have I completely understand...If I was bringing you down I apologize and you are a better person for getting away and bettering yourself!!!

Monday, February 25, 2008


we got alot of snow this weekend so it was kind of a boring weekend but it is almost all gone now...hopefully the sun will come out and thaw me out and get warm...I miss everone and everyone be safe in there travels

Friday, February 8, 2008

California Here I Come!!!

I fly in on Tuesday and I am staying for 1 week!!! I am so excited I get to see my family and others that I love...I hope that the weather is HOT ( cause I could really use some thawing out and my legs have not seen sun sinse Mexico)...I cant wait to see the beach and listen to the waves crashing while the sun is setting(things I took advantage of so many times)... I get to drive on a big freeway instead of a little 2 lane highway... I cant wait to see everyone I will be there soon!!!

Thursday, January 17, 2008


I am home sick really bad!!!
Its 20 degrees and its has been snowing like crazy for the last 5 hours and all I can think about its having a bon fire on the beach listening to the waves.
Anyway My job status has changed once again...no longer selling cars now its catering
New adventure I get to drive around and I love to drive and the people are real cool...
The whole being 21 thing has not really kicked in yet and I am a little dissappointed but I was warned so I kind of knew it was coming...
I miss everyone and I wish I could get out there... take care of MIMI when she comes have her make some pickle roll ups and eat some for me.
thank you everyone who wrote in my photo album it really means alot to me
Love everyone